Code style

Software engineers spend more time reading code than writing it, so it is important to pay attention to the style of your code in addition to following the syntax rules. While some elements of style can be subjective, others are justified because experience has shown that they reduce bugs and make code easier to review and maintain. Above all, coding style should be consistent within a project or organization. (If you are interested, you can read more about the benefits of style guides in Chapter 8, Style Guides and Rules, of Software Engineering at Google.)

In CS 2110 we expect you to follow sound stylistic practices when writing code, especially code submitted for programming assignments. This means choosing clear variable names, ordering and decomposing computations logically, minimizing scope and access, and writing thorough specifications and sufficient implementation comments. It also means adhering to our class formatting rules. Fortunately, the latter can be handled automatically by IDEA (see formatting setup, below). Here are the rules we expect you to adhere to in this class:

Naming conventions

The following conventions were adopted by Java’s standard library and are used by the vast majority of Java code worldwide.

Naming guidelines

Names of classes, methods, fields, parameters, and local variables should be descriptive. Concise names are preferred, but not at the expense of clarity. Somebody else should be able to look at an arbitrary line in the middle of your program and have a sense for what is going on. Avoid very short (1 and 2-letter) names for anything except possibly array indices. (See contradictory advice for more details.)

Bad variable names
n, s, p, cs
Better variable names
numAttendees, student, previousNode, children


Every class must have a JavaDoc comment explaining what it is supposed to represent (and in what context). Every method must have a JavaDoc comment providing its specification. Method specifications must document preconditions, return values, side effects, all parameters, and any checked exceptions. Every field of a class must have a JavaDoc comment describing its interpretation and role in class invariants.

If you pick good names, some of this documentation might feel redundant; write it anyway. Always keep in mind “what vs. how”—specifications for public classes and methods live on a different side of the abstraction barrier from their definitions, so they should not feel redundant with the implementing code.


Rather than listing out detailed formatting rules, we ask instead that you install our course style scheme in IDEA and let it format your source code for you. Here are some of the high-level things it is enforcing:

Formatting setup

Please download our code style scheme (right-click, Save link as… or Download Linked File) and import it into IDEA using the following procedure:

  1. Open the IDE settings by selecting File | Settings (Windows, Linux) or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences… (Mac).
  2. In the list on the left, select Editor > Code Style.
  3. Next to the Scheme drop-down box, click the gear icon, then select Import Scheme > IntelliJ IDEA code style XML.
  4. Browse to your download of intellij-java-cs2110-style.xml and click OK. Then click OK in the subsequent dialog.
  5. Ensure that CS2110Style is selected in the Scheme drop-down box, then click OK to close the Settings dialog.

(For reference, our formatting rules are based on Google’s Java Style Guide, but with a block indentation of 4 spaces, which is more common. Read their style guide to learn about their justifications as well as some higher-level guidelines that cannot be enforced by auto-formatting.)

Now, when you are editing some code, you can select Code | Reformat Code to apply the style rules to the current file. Take note of the keyboard shortcut so you can do this quickly as you write. You can also configure IDEA to automatically reformat your code whenever you save it. Go to File | Settings, then select Tools > Actions on Save, then check Reformat code and click OK.

Practicing good style (both low-level formatting and higher-level guidelines) is to your advantage for more than just style credit. It will make it easier for consultants to diagnose problems in your code, and it will make it easier for graders to evaluate your submissions. You may also find that it’s easier for you to pick up where you left off when working on a long assignment. With code as with English, don’t let poor presentation undermine good content.

Contradictory advice

Style is a balancing act of tradeoffs and constraints, some of which change over time. This can lead to contradictory advice, even from people trying to give justified, objective advice for a similar context. For example, JavaHyperText’s style rules are sometimes at odds with this semester’s requirements. While there is value in mimicking established conventions for common idioms, many prevalent stylistic features can no longer be justified and should be abandoned.

Here are some examples of stylistic “anti-patterns” and why they are no longer recommended:

Short variable names

The world is full of code using extremely short names for parameters and variables, often just a single letter. It’s not hard to see why—it requires less typing, it helps avoid awkward line breaks, it mimics mathematical notation, and naming things is hard. But modern style guides often discourage such variable names, as they make it difficult to skim code and can more easily mask bugs during review.

Historically, the length of source code was a major concern: computers had very limited memory and storage, and punch cards imposed strict limits on line length. Early code adopted an extremely abbreviated style in order to cope, but these constraints are no longer applicable. Two others, though, still contribute to the contemporary use of short variable names, especially in educational settings: textbooks and slides. When forced to fit a snippet of code on a page or (legible) slide, abbreviating identifiers is a useful tactic (for an example, see Numerical Recipes). The problem is that students propagate this tactic to production codebases, where these constraints do not apply. Concision is good to a point, but identifiers consisting of three or fewer characters typically go too far.

For CS 2110, please follow these guidelines when choosing names:

Type annotations in names

Code from a certain era, especially C/C++ code, often added prefixes or suffixes to variable names to annotate whether they were a member variable, whether they were a pointer, etc. Nowadays, syntax highlighting and context tips in IDEs can convey this information without the drawbacks of longer and more awkward-to-read names.

Getters and setters

The Java standard library makes extensive use of the get prefix for observer methods and the set prefix for mutator methods. Unfortunately, many people inferred from this that classes should provide getters and setters for all of their fields, which defeats much of the purpose of encapsulation! To help break this association between methods and fields, we recommend that: